Coronavirus Case Reports in The U.S. Are Exploding Out of Nowhere?

Bill Sardi – 3/23/ 2020

Ron Klain, the ex-federal EBOLA CZAR, issued a warning that coronavirus cases are going to “explode” in the U.S.  On Thursday, March 19, 4,940 new cases were reported. Coronavirus deaths are also predicted to rise precipitously.  But here is how this ruse is accomplished.

Buried in the news report is this language: “numbers in the U.S. are rising sharply partly because testing is being more widespread.”

So indiscriminate news reports will sound alarming because news agencies want to capture readership.  This parade of irresponsible news reports is anticipated to raise levels of anxiety in the American population at large.  The “What do we do now?” panic sets in.

Because there are more cases of coronavirus infection reported with more testing, and because testing produces a high percentage of false positive tests that falsely indicate a person has the disease when they don’t, it will be easy to mislead the public and cause the public to accept draconian community lockdowns.  Just the intentional withholding of toilet paper supplies could provoke civilian unrest and cause the public to clamor for troops in the streets to halt civil unrest. 

And just because more deaths are likely to be attributed to coronavirus does not necessarily mean the virus is the cause of the pneumonia that kills.  It just could be a companion virus.  Or it could even be tuberculosis.

An overlay of US maps shows the same geographical incidence for coronavirus as for tuberculosis.  So which germ is it?

Despite the admission that coronavirus was in circulation in the U.S. prior to the initial news reports of a coronavirus outbreak in China in January 2020, this means coronavirus was either causing so few deaths it went unnoticed or simply was not causing symptomatic disease.

So, what are we worried about if we get infected, experience mild or no symptoms, and develop natural long-term antibodies against this pathogenic disease, without need for future concern?

With a lower respiratory tract infection (lungs versus throat and bronchus) lungs can fill with fluid (pneumonia) blocking oxygen transfer to the blood.  Patients drown in their own fluids.

Chronic lower respiratory diseases are already the number four cause of death in the U.S., resulting in 160,201 deaths in 2017.

More than 250,000 people are hospitalized for pneumonia annually in the US.  The mortality rate for pneumonia in the US population (all ages) is 15.1 deaths per 100,000.

An estimated 50,000 Americans die of pneumonia annually (137/DAY).

An estimated 4,749 pneumonia-associated deaths per year (13/day) are reported for the State of New York (2018 data), an epicenter for this infectious disease. Unless New York health officials report excess pneumonia-related deaths over the normal seasonal occurrence, the published number will be totally misleading.

Most deaths associated with coronavirus infection and resultant pneumonia occur among aged adults, over age 70 and predominately over age 80.

According to STATISTA, there are ~12,680,000 Americans over age 80 (2018).  Using an estimation that 80% of the 50,000 deaths due to pneumonia in the U.S. occur among 80-90-year-olds (40,000 deaths or 110 pneumonia-related deaths per day), the pneumonia mortality rate would only be ~4/10ths of one percent of that total population.

A Stanford University epidemiologist says reports of widespread death from COVID-19 coronavirus are unsubstantiated and irresponsible, but the propaganda is controlling the daily decisions by politicians how to manage this disease.

All of the health pronouncements issued from public health agencies, particularly the Centers for Disease Control, emanate from an infectious disease that is not even as deadly as the seasonal flu.  Yet it is being reported in the news, giving the false impression millions of Americans are going to die.

Bottom line, misleading news reports are likely to report thousands of new coronavirus-related deaths that are likely no more than a part of the normal annual course of events.


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